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MISHPOCHE was founded in 2019, with the aim of making everything related to Judaism accessible to everyone who qualifies for it. MISHPOCHE wants to meet the needs of every Jew in Amsterdam and the surrounding area in a warm, loving and joyful way. This in the sympathetic manner of Chabad and as it also happens internationally. Of course with the Lubavitcher Rebbe as the source of inspiration.


Our name MISHPOCHE, 'family' in Hebrew, says it all.

1. We organize everything with a warm family feeling.

2. We mainly focus on families (parents and children). 


Expenses and donations

MISHPOCHE receives donations and subsidies from philanthropists, sponsors and foundations who are eager to invest in Jewish Amsterdam now and in the future.


MISHPOCHE publishes with the approval of a minimum of two board members. Priority is always given to the activities with the highest priority. MISHPOCHE is not for profit.


The board consists of:

Mr. Lennards Sander, Chairman

Mr. Zandrie Wiersma, Treasurer

Mr. Zimri Haas, Secretary


General Manager: Yissachar Eliyahu (Eli) Spiero


The members of the board do this on a voluntary basis.


Chamber of Commerce number: 73971472

RSIN number: 859728687


Please see all statements in dutch version of this website

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