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Mishpoche Journal

A weekly newsletter with updates, articles and fun facts within the Jewish community.

What can you expect in this email?

Letter from the directors

Rabbi Eli & Faigale Spiero will write you a personal message which usually also includes a dvar Torah and something about what is going on in Jewish Amsterdam.

Jewish history

Rabbi van Dijk knows a lot about history and will write in this column about what happened in Jewish history this week.

The children's corner

Faigale Spiero tells at a children's level something about the parsha and has always prepared a nice craft for the kids.

Jewish humor

There is so much humor in Judaism! Every week we send one humorous picture in Dutch. Definitely something to look forward to!

Mazal tov's

The mazal tov messages from Rabbi Zwi Spiero are now very well known and popular. When you have a mazal tov you have something to look forward to!

Interesting attachments

We also send nice attachments that you can read at your leisure. These are mostly stories written in English.

Activities & updates

Mishpoche organizes dozens of activities every year. You will be kept informed via this email. We will even inform you about activities organized by other organizations.

The pen of the future

The children are the future. How do they feel about being Jewish now and how do they hope to see Jewish Amsterdam when they are adults? Every week you can hear from a different child.

Rebbe video

The Lubavitcher Rebbe has given hundreds of speeches and spoken to thousands of individuals. Much of it has been recorded. Every week a video of him is selected for you.

Music video

Did you know that within Judaism there is a whole music world? Every week we choose one nice music video.

The parsha in a nutshell

Lyuba and Marc Sweijd briefly describe the content of the parsje of the week here.

Shabbat times

We will also mention the beginning and end of the Shabbat times of Amsterdam. Convenient!

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in honor or in memory of a loved one


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Journaal toewijding
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